Category: Health

Ditch the Drugs Today and Say Yes to Physical Therapy Instead! Aug20th 2021

Ditch the Drugs Today and Say Yes to Physical Therapy Instead!

Living with Pain? Medication Isn’t Always the Answer! It seems like every time you turn on the tv, there’s another report about the opioid drug crisis in the country. There’s a legitimate reason to panic. In 2016 alone, 116 people died every day from overdoses of opioid-related medications. About 11,5 million Americans used prescription painkillers

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Recently Sustained a Sprain or Strain? We Can Help Aug10th 2021

Recently Sustained a Sprain or Strain? We Can Help

Find Relief Today! There you are, walking through the park on a sunny summer day when you unexpectedly find a hole with your foot. Before you know it, you are in agony, slumped in a crumpled heap, hoping that no one saw you slide. So, what do you do from here? How do you know

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Why Stretching Is A Critical Jul20th 2021

Why Stretching Is A Critical Part Of Your Physical Therapy Treatment

Do you stretch regularly? If you don’t, you could be increasing your risk of an injury in the future. Because chances are, you have at least some joints or areas in your body that are not as flexible and mobile as they could be. But what happens if you’re not sure where your specific mobility

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