Category: Health

Tips From a Physical Therapist For Herniated Disc Jul10th 2021

Tips From a Physical Therapist On Dealing With Herniated Discs

A herniated disc happens when the outer fibrous layer of a spinal disc (usually in the neck or lower back) tears. This allows the disc’s gel-like filling to leak out into the surrounding joint space. In many cases, this can irritate or compress nearby nerves and other structures, leading to uncomfortable symptoms like back pain,

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Weightlifting or Cardio Apr10th 2021

Weightlifting or Cardio: How To Know Which One Is Best For You

Cardio exercise and weightlifting hold equally important places when it comes to physical therapy and exercising for good health. The only way to know which of the two is the better choice is to know what your end goal is. If building up stamina and endurance is your end goal, the best choice would definitely

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4 Types of Stretches That Can Dramatically Benefit Your Health Feb20th 2021

4 Types of Stretches That Can Dramatically Benefit Your Physical Health

When you begin a workout or physical therapy routine, you should complete a set of stretching exercises beforehand to help you limber up and prevent injuries. However, many people don’t receive any instructions on the proper way to go about stretching for their specific program. A licensed physical therapist can teach you how to complete

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